Screen Time Clinic

Susan's Review of Childhood 2.0: Kids, Screens, and the Future

The following is written by Susan B. Arico, digital wellness coach based in Connecticut about Childhood 2.0 and tips for families curious about how to improve screen time in their home!

There’s been a flurry of films in the past few years about kids and the screen-based life they now live.

There was Screenagers in 2016, Like in 2018, The Social Dilemma in 2020, and now Childhood 2.0. This likely isn’t an exhaustive list, either, and my guess is that there will be others to emerge in the months and years to come. Each is a documentary or docudrama in which parents, experts, and youth discuss the real life challenges that have accrued in their lives since screens took center stage.

Last week I viewed Childhood 2.0, free on YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon Prime, and found it to be a worthwhile watch. The commentary from educators, child psychologists, parents, and children are well-presented and relevant. Until the past twenty years childhood has signified one thing thing, but in the modern era it means something else entirely. As the film’s title suggests, screens can be understood as ushering in a “new childhood.” One of the film’s main points is that the world within screens is far more dangerous today than the world “out there” on the streets or in communities, a well-documented fact that most parents nevertheless disbelieve. Childhood 2.0 provides evidence for this, and makes the case well.

Read Susan’s entire blog post here

Susan is a trusted Screen Time Clinic® digital wellness coach, part of our network of affiliated parent coaches. Interested in joining the STC Network to gain more visibility and collaborate with like minded digital wellness coaches? Let’s connect!

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