Screen Time Clinic

Expert Tech Guidance
to Thrive as Humans
Seminars for Parents and Youth
Digital Wellness Education for Schools, Churches, and Youth Groups
Screen Time Consulting Services
Personalized Family Tech Plans to Empower Parents, Protect Youth, and Reconnect Relationships
Adult Digital Wellness
Professional Development Workshops & Keynote Seminars to Maximize Employee Potential, Reduce Harms
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Screen Time Education and Digital Media Detox Interventions to Thrive As Human

Screen Time Clinic® was founded to empower parents and professionals around the world to prevent digital addictions and thrive as humans by rethinking our relationship with technology. The growing mental health crisis is largely due to the unchecked advances in AI spawning increasingly addictive and toxic online content with very few protections. As part of our grass roots advocacy efforts, we train and selectively certify passionate individuals to become STC Digital Wellness Educators, serving as screen time experts and advocates in their community to help those most impacted by digital media.  We believe learning & sustaining healthy tech habits should widely promoted within every community. We help schools & youth groups educate families, facilitate screen detox intervention programs, and lead businesses to maximize employee potential with balanced technology practices. Our international network of educators are dedicated to providing accurate information, with our funding NEVER coming from Big Tech, to deliver unbiased best practices. Our founder, Nicole Rawson, is a former public school teacher, felt compelled to devote her life to this underserved area of wellness after witnessing the heartbreaking struggles of her own son fall victim to gaming addiction as a teen and the masses of disconnected students in the classroom, knowing there must be a better way to support all ages to thrive as humans. Her background in business and real estate gave her the inspiration to build a company far larger than her own efforts, amplifying our voices around the world to help those in need. How can we support you?

Start Fresh With A Digital Detox! Act Now to Save Your Kids From A Life of Digital Addictions, ADHD, OCD and Severe Health Challenges Caused by Early Exposure to Hyper-Cartoons, Social Media or Gaming

Do you struggle to help your child spend less time on screens, make real friends, feel happy, excel in school, activities, sports, and self-regulation? Screen time has been proven to be a foundational neurological disruptor — blocking our best efforts to parent and even improve out own wellness. For young children even a little has a big impact and for those on the Autism spectrum screen time leads to bigger, long term consequences. But, it’s not your fault it’s so hard to keep tech in check due to recent advances in program addictive design and AI– it is very difficult to control screen time without a complete RESET followed by an intentional plan with healthy new routines. The good news is that a A DIGITAL MEDIA DETOX is easier than you think when it’s done right, and we have the secret fail proof formula so you can see amazing results FAST that LAST.  Screen time greatly impacts adult mental health and especially damages the neurological functions of children and teens who’s brains are still developing until the mid 20s.  Without proper parental guidance and often professional intervention, these symptoms of overuse can quickly spiral out of control resulting in severe mental health problems, self-harm and even suicide. Children do not outgrow digital obsessions, they become worse with age without intervention. Countries like America without online regulations protecting minors are experiencing a mental health crisis with their youth– and screen time is to blame.  You are rightfully confused about how to guide your children to keep them safe from digital addictions and disabilities arising from too much time stolen by immersive media.  Get the facts here, from a company you can trust, not one sponsored by Big Tech.

screen time clinic home page happy families
Book a FREE screen sensitivity discovery call: eliminate family stress & guilt establishing clear goals and guidelines for your family. Prevent or address gaming addiction or social media overuse. Get your “tech check up” scheduled now!  BOOK HERE

For adults & businesses, we offer custom HR solutions: corporate presentations, workshops, coaching, and courses. Reclaim work-life balance, increase workplace satisfaction and productivity with the right training!

Build your Screen-Smart Tribe by leading change in your community by hosting a live seminar or workshop! Take advantage of our best-in-class selection self-paced courses that offer expert guidance from our network of unbiased Certified Digital Wellness Educators.

Don’t wait to start the transformation. Book your FREE consult today and regain control of your time, health, and relationships.


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Unlock Your Digital Intelligence With Guided Screen Detox Transformations, Expert Seminars, and High Impact Courses

Learn More About Our Fail-Proof, Guilt-Free Flagship Program That Helps Your Child FAST

screen smart families presentation

Parent Presentations

Learn the latest risks of screen time and big benefits in raising digitally intelligent kids with our Best In Class Keynote Presentations

Digitally Intelligent Adults

Empower yourself & your professional team to rise above digital distractions to maximize your productivity & thrive using tech intentionally

A few places we have been featured in publications...

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Helping us thrive as happy humans with smart digital strategies for all ages

Keep your Kids Safe Online With The BEST Family Media Guide to Reprogram Your Family's Screen Time with Kindness and Clarity…

The most Comprehensive, No-Fluff Book You Need

Parents we know you are struggling to make sense of how to best guide your children in the digital age. Download your copy of the Screen Time Clinic Media Guide that summarizes all the latest studies with the best printable resources, and areas to consider when starting from scratch or giving your kids the gift of a digital detox-redo. Create your Screen Smart Family Technology Plan with over 20 printables to keep your family on track when it comes to tech.  This digital download is updated quarterly so you can be assured you are receiving the best information with the latest proven resources so you can confidently raise kids the the digital age. Find out more in our store.

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