Screen Time Clinic

Internet Safety Education & Digital Wellness Seminars

Prevent Digital Media Harms with Parent and Youth Education

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Parent education is PROVEN to reduce youth screen time and improve mental health and attendance readiness! Schools and youth groups, you have a duty to inform parents about the potential harms and risks of screen time since the pandemic isolated so many at home and AI has become exponentially more sophisticated, making seemingly innocent games and apps highly addictive and inherently unsafe with no government protections separating minors from adult content, predators, and strangers. The BENEFITS of well informed parents greatly impacts student performance and overall wellness.

Without proper parent education about internet risks and digital wellness strategies, students are overwhelmed with mental health struggles, health ailments, constant distractions, sleep deprived, and unable to focus. Bullying, self-harm, and risky behaviors learned online are eroding their childhood time at home and schools if left unchecked.

Contact us [email protected] to request more information about our seminars, pricing, donations, and availability for your group today!

Photos & Video from Our Past Presentations...

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presentation recommendation

Request Your Screen Smart Sam Book Reading & Discussion Group

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Email us [email protected] to request a quote for a book reading seminar and/or discounted copies to distribute & engage parents. Parents can order the book on Amazon or other book sellers and teachers can access resources via the book website

Written by STC founder Nicole Rawson, the book Screen Smart Sam covers 16 risks youth should know about from a young age with time online and 16 solutions!  This is a book all parents and youngsters should read so we have made it easy to preview with this FREE recording! Reading from books is better than online, but group events are a great way to get conversations started! Although we recommend hosting a live book reading and discussion group facilitated by your favorite Screen Time Clinic educator, this free recording can be shown to families and small groups! Featuring easy-to-understand science about the addictive nature of screens and how it affects the body and brain, this internationally-acclaimed book engages young kids & parents to think about how their time would be better served interacting with others off-line. 

We are Committed to Communities in Need

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Staying safe and building healthy habits in our digital world has never been more important or more challenging. Could your homeschool group, church, or youth organization benefit from help? We donate over 100 presentations a year via Additionally, COSMO Technologies ( is a family technology company founded by homeschool graduates sponsoring FREE presentations on digital safety and wellness for groups in need in partnership with the team at Screen Time Clinic! In person learning is the best but online learning provides great opportunities for adults and older teens. Request yours today or fundraising donation via 

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