Screen Time Seeks to Setback Athletes
The Modern Day Competitor Seeking to Undermine Your Athletic Joy and Goals How you can help your child excel in

How Delaying Social Media Access Benefits Teens: A Teen’s Perspective on Peer Pressure
Explore how delaying social media access can benefit teens. Learn from a college student’s firsthand experience with peer pressure and social media challenges during high school.

Social Contagion:”Catching” Harm Amplified in The Digital Age
This is a topic talked about during all of the corporate and youth focused presentations at Screen Time Clinic® yet one of the most overlooked sources of sickness by other mental health providers and parent coaches.

Parental Guidance Proven Effective in Protecting Kids from Digital Addictions
Parents play a crucial role in managing their children’s screen time, preventing detrimental effects of excessive screen time impacting youth development.

The Nurturing Power of Hugs: Human Touch in Child Development Trumps Screen Time Bonding
In an era where screens often dominate our adult lives and increasingly infiltrate those of our children, understanding the profound

Toxic Social Media Videos Continue In America
Toxic Videos and Ads Give More Reason to Wait or Abstain from Social Media in America The WSJ investigative reporting

Screen Time: A Significant Environmental Factor of ADHD
A new Canadian study published today in Scientific Reports confirms screen time negatively impacts ADHD symptoms in adolescents, a proximal indicator of risk for mental health problems. Parents, caregivers, and ADHD interventionists should take notice of this large study, conducted on nearly 4000 adolescents, as it delved into various factors affecting ADHD symptoms over time. The connection between screen time and neurological disruptions has been well studied for over 20 years and continue to be confirmed.

Digital Wellness Coaching: Why Your Family Needs Help of a Screen Time Expert
As family dynamics have evolved over the years, technology has become a central focus for youth, and we are becoming more and more disconnected. Youth are taking advice of strangers online rather than leaning on family — even though technology should help bring us together it creates a wedge between parents and children. Without a solid screen time plan, time on technology steadily increases, causing neurological and relationship disruptions that can last a lifetime if not addressed during the formative developmental years.

Don’t Procrastinate! Easy First Steps Towards Healthy Tech Habits
Don’t Procrastinate! Easy First Steps Towards Healthy Tech Habits Being a proactive parent becomes much more difficult the older your

Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens.
Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens. Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Help Drive Change Online

Smartphones for Kids: Waiting is Caring
Waiting is Caring Every parent wants to see their children happy and full of joy. This is especially true during

‘Screen Smart Sam’ Children’s Book to Help Prevent Problems
New Children’s Digital Wellness Book to Help Prevent Problems The story of Screen Smart Sam, now available today for pre-orders

Susan’s Review of Childhood 2.0: Kids, Screens, and the Future
Susan’s Review of Childhood 2.0: Kids, Screens, and the Future The following is written by Susan B. Arico, digital wellness

3 Surprising Things To Know About Kids + Gaming
3 Surprising Things To Know About Kids + Gaming Let’s talk about video games. The cute “educational” ones and the

Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent
Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent Calling all parents and those who work with children and families! This

4 Ways to Limit Screen Time Without Stress
4 Ways to Limit Screen Time Without Stress The age of smartphones and other mobile devices has opened up a

New Partnership With Cosmo Technologies: Part of the Solution
New Partnership With Cosmo Technologies: Part of the Solution Staying safe online has never been more important or more challenging.

Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse
Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse Kids face so many overuse challenges and real

Is Smartphone Addiction Real?
Is Smartphone Addiction Real? It’s okay to be skeptical, but knowing the facts is better because smartphone addiction is real.

A Digital Nutritionist for The New Year
A Digital Nutritionist for The New Year It takes work to be a thriving human, strengthening your mind and body

Friend or Foe or Maybe Both: The Pervasive Nature of Technology
Friend or Foe or Maybe Both: The Pervasive Nature of Technology Let’s take a look at the Pervasive Nature of

Why Worry About Social Media?
Why Worry About Social Media? A beauty and lifestyle influencer with over 500K followers on YouTube, Jordan Cheyenne, abruptly deleted

Hidden Dangers of Self-Commodification
Hidden Dangers of Self-Commodification A beauty and lifestyle influencer with over 500K followers on YouTube, Jordan Cheyenne, abruptly deleted her

Infant & Toddler Screen Time: Take Notice Now, Regret Less Later
Infant & Toddler Screen Time: Take Notice Now, Regret Less Later There has been a lot of buzz about screen

COVID-19, Lice, Child Porn: Be Proactive and Protect Your Kids
Covid is not the only concern during the pandemic– screen time presents even greater long term risks to minors.