In 2023 Michael expanded his digital wellness services as the founder of Reset Summer Camps to partner with Screen Time Clinic, offering virtual and in-person seminars for schools, organizations, and youth groups as well as exclusive 1-1 coaching opportunities for families and teens. Michael is located in central California and travels for speaking engagements. Contact Michael today to take advantage of this opportunity to hear from a leader in providing solutions to help kids reclaim a healthy relationship with technology!
Meet Michael Jacobus: Digital Detox Expert and Motivational Speaker

Michael Jacobus is the founder of highly acclaimed Reset Summer Camps which help youth detox from electronics in a fun and fully immersive clinical program hosted on a university campus. Participants are able to detox from their screen addiction and learn how to self-regulate, as they participate in individual and group therapy. Combined with the Life Skills program, the camp cultivates responsibility and builds self-confidence, so campers will be prepared to handle their real-world obligations when they return home, educating parents on the importance of healthy digital routines to maintain the detox benefits and developmental progress made during the camp.
Michael leads a team of staff that includes experienced youth-development professionals, clinical interns, registered nurses, and private-practice mental health clinicians who work daily with those suffering from problematic use of technology, including gaming addiction and digital media overuse (DMO) of Social Media and Information Overload. Michael lives near Orange County and is an internationally recognized author, child-development specialist and youth camp professional. He is the author of four books for the camp community which have helped many families and kids capture the magic of extended time away from home. He also launched a great app Life Skills to help parents stay connected with teens and guide them with daily suggestions to improve their REAL life and relationship skills!

Find Unhappy Campers and I Don’t Wanna Go! books on Amazon and become inspired with the power of summer camps. Ready to send your child to Summer Screen Detox Camp? Talk to Michael to see if your teen is a good candidate for this opportunity.
Michael has worked with Happy Campers his entire life as a traditional summer camp director. Then in 2018 when every kid in the world seemed to be addicted to the popular online game Fortnite and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Gaming Disorder an actual diagnosable condition, refusing to go to camps and play outdoors, he decided it was time to combine my love for the transformative power of summer camp with a digital detox and life skills program for teens, Reset Summer Camp was born. “Unhappy Campers” book chronicles Michael’s observational journey working with these anxious, depressed and angry kids . . . AND what parents can do about it. The companion book for children “I Don’t Wanna Go!” is also a must read for children who have reservations about attending camps that their parents know will be a beneficial experience.

Michael and Reset Summer Camp on the Today Show

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I love to connect with parents, schools, youth groups, and community organizations. Send me a message with your unique needs or requests.
Screen Time Clinic

Irvine, California, United States