Based outside of Scranton, PA Renee Alyse Beamer became passionate about digital wellness after discovering that she herself was addicted to passively scrolling social media.
STC Forever Influencer: Renee Beamer
Renee’s Self-Authored Bio:
Renee is a devoted mother with with Master’s degree in counseling, she realized just how destructive unhealthy screen time habits could be for each member of the family. She began to pour her free time into researching the effects of screen time, and changing her own behavior.
These personal experiences led her to become passionate about educating others, particularly mothers, about the negative impact of technology on our lives and how to overcome the downsides. A pastor’s wife and mother to 3 boys, Renee loves to tackle digital wellbeing from both a psychological and faith-based perspective. Renee is a digital wellness influencer online, meeting people on the platform where so many struggle to show them there is a better way to unplug and reconnect with yourself and your faith in real life! You can also find her self-published book Squishing Spiders and 6 Other Things That Can Grow Your Confidence.
Renee passed away November 20th in a tragic car accident, she will forever be in our hearts, Instagram posts, and our blog posts inspiring so many to unplug and appreciate all that life has to offer in the real world.