Screen Time Clinic

Screen Time Clinic Hosts"Digital Wellness Summit" for Parent

Screen Time Clinic Hosts"Digital Wellness Summit" for Parent

Calling all parents and those who work with children and families! This special event featuring an international lineup of expert digital wellness educators is hosted by the team at Screen Time Clinic is just for YOU! Finally understand all the areas screen time affects childhood development and family bonds to better guide your family and help others. You can trust to receive accurate and helpful information from this trusted network of community educators, many of whom only speak at in-person events, never before seen online!

September 25 – 26, 2021 marks the first EVER and ONLY Digital Wellness Education Summit just for parents with topics focused specifically on youth development! It’s a two-day, virtual event showcases 13 expert perspectives on how to live digitally well with children of all ages.

There truly is something for everyone. And that’s what makes this event so powerful… and so unique.

From a digitally-well guided mediation seminar from Gratz, Austria, to digital detox methods from Canadia, and Cyber Safety tips from Australia, this summit has something for everyone from all sides of the world!

There is a faith-based seminar from Susan B. Arrio that helps families strengthen their faith and value traditions to anchor screen practices in the bigger why. It’s called “Lean Into Faith to Improve Screen Limiting Goals and Reconnect with Family,” and it offers parents a holistic way to approach their families’ device use in a way that complements their belief systems.

Other seminars topics include:

  • Raising Tech-Wise Littles From Birth: Why Do Screens Get A Bad Wrap?, from Kay de Veer and Jennifer Strube @techwiselittles 
  •  A Mindful Way to Use Your Smartphone & Guided Meditation from Austria, from Christina Feirer @christinafeirer 
  • Mental and Physical Health Implications From A Digital Cocoon, from Screen Time Clinic educator Carrie Perry, R.N.
  •  Keeping Kids Safe from Harm Online from Australian CyberSafety Expert Jen Hoey, from @notmykid_ever 
  • The High Cost of Free Babysitting Using Screens: How Screen Time Actually Sets Moms Back, from Screen Time Clinic digital wellness educator Mary Mulliken
  • A Look Inside a 30 Day Digital Detox, from Screen Time Clinic educator and Canadian Expert Larissa Mills @larissa_iparentgen 
  • Tech In Schools and How You to Advocate for Less Screen Time, from Screen Time Clinic educator Gretchen Shanahan
  •  Exclusive Insight Into Electronic Screen Syndrome; How to Prevent and Treat Addiction from Screen Time Clinic educator Jessica Ludlow @ludlowtribe
  •  Discover the Truth About Digital Stimuli and Swedish Strategies to Create Balance, from Family Tech Wellness founder Eva Danielsson @familytechwellness
  •  Unlock the Key to Your Child’s Future Potential by Being THAT Mom!  from Dolly Denson @the_bethatmommovement
  • Why We See Post-Screen Time Anger and Big Feelings by Screen Time Clinic Educator and parenting expert Malva Gasowski
  • Screen Time Risks, Myths, Roadblocks and 3 Ways to Prevent “Virtual Autism”, Gaming Addiction, and Media Overstimulation, from Screen Time Clinic founder Nicole Rawson @screentimeclinic

So how do you see all these presentations?!

The summit costs $39.90 if purchased before the live launch date of September 25th, but early bird pricing of only $29.90 runs ONLY through September 18th. Don’t miss the chance to get $10 off your tickets! (You can also get an all-access pass which allows you unlimited access to all seminars anytime, as well as audio files, transcripts, a free coaching session, and more. All details are here.)

This international showcase is the brainchild of Screen Time Clinic founder Nicole Rawson co-hosted by Screen Time Clinic educator Malva Gasowski who created this beautifully orchestrated summit. It’s the first of its type, as a way to showcase a variety of screen experts, all working in the field in different capacities, so that participants can hear a wealth of accurate information about the risk and benefits of limited screen time from different perspectives. Nicole notes that “With so many presenters representing different ages, stages, and needs, I feel confident that every participant can find a voice that speaks to her situation.” And every presenter is not only an advocate who’s experienced in the field but a parent as well.

There is plenty of passion to go around. As educator Mary Mulliken says, “We are a collective, coming together collaboratively to address a topic that is a huge problem in our day. There’s an enormous need, and that’s why there are so many of us talking about it – so we can tackle it together.”

The Screen Time Clinic Network of Advocates help families create long-lasting peace and happiness within their homes free from the constant intrusion of screens that complicate childhood development and erode family bonds.

If you or someone you know is ready to bring a new level of harmony into their homes through adjustments to their family’s screen use – this summit is for you!

See you there (virtually) on September 25 and 26! Click here for more information and to reserve your spot.

Co-Written by Susan B. Arico, Screen Time Clinic Educator and Writer & Nicole Rawson, founder of Screen Time Clinic

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