Screen Time Clinic

parenting strategies

Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens.

Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens. Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Help Drive Change Online by Talking with Teens. Pornography and racist rhetoric makes up the vast majority of inappropriate content viewed on teenagers phones through private social media chat groups, posts, and even apps like iFunny and SnapChat. Yet

Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens. Read More »

Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent

Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent Calling all parents and those who work with children and families! This special event featuring an international lineup of expert digital wellness educators is hosted by the team at Screen Time Clinic is just for YOU! Finally understand all the areas screen time affects childhood development and

Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent Read More »

New Partnership With Cosmo Technologies: Part of the Solution

New Partnership With Cosmo Technologies: Part of the Solution Staying safe online has never been more important or more challenging. That’s why Screen Time Clinic’s founder Nicole Rawson is thrilled to be launching a special partnership with Cosmo Technologies to offer trainings and seminars on digital wellness, internet safety, and cyber education completely FREE for

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Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse

Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse Kids face so many overuse challenges and real dangers in our digital world and it’s not by accident, it’s by reckless design that allows them access to content that isn’t age appropriate and predators who aren’t who they claim to be. That’s why

Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse Read More »

Infant & Toddler Screen Time: Take Notice Now, Regret Less Later

Infant & Toddler Screen Time: Take Notice Now, Regret Less Later There has been a lot of buzz about screen time for little ones since CNN released an article in January 2023 that boldly proclaimed, “Your child’s academic success may start with their screen time as infants”. This is one of many news sources that

Infant & Toddler Screen Time: Take Notice Now, Regret Less Later Read More »

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