Screen Time Clinic

screen time

Screen Time: A Significant Environmental Factor of ADHD

A new Canadian study published today in Scientific Reports confirms screen time negatively impacts ADHD symptoms in adolescents, a proximal indicator of risk for mental health problems.  Parents, caregivers, and ADHD interventionists should take notice of this large study, conducted on nearly 4000 adolescents, as it delved into various factors affecting ADHD symptoms over time. The connection between screen time and neurological disruptions has been well studied for over 20 years and continue to be confirmed.

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Digital Wellness Coaching: Why Your Family Needs Help of a Screen Time Expert

As family dynamics have evolved over the years, technology has become a central focus for youth, and we are becoming more and more disconnected. Youth are taking advice of strangers online rather than leaning on family — even though technology should help bring us together it creates a wedge between parents and children. Without a solid screen time plan, time on technology steadily increases, causing neurological and relationship disruptions that can last a lifetime if not addressed during the formative developmental years.

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Don’t Procrastinate! Easy First Steps Towards Healthy Tech Habits

Don’t Procrastinate! Easy First Steps Towards Healthy Tech Habits Being a proactive parent becomes much more difficult the older your children become no matter how sweet and innocent they start out. Nobody enjoys being “the bad guy” and constantly enforcing the rules. The fact is, it’s much easier to let things be and procrastinate making

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New Partnership With Cosmo Technologies: Part of the Solution

New Partnership With Cosmo Technologies: Part of the Solution Staying safe online has never been more important or more challenging. That’s why Screen Time Clinic’s founder Nicole Rawson is thrilled to be launching a special partnership with Cosmo Technologies to offer trainings and seminars on digital wellness, internet safety, and cyber education completely FREE for

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Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse

Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse Kids face so many overuse challenges and real dangers in our digital world and it’s not by accident, it’s by reckless design that allows them access to content that isn’t age appropriate and predators who aren’t who they claim to be. That’s why

Use Tools Like Cosmo Smart Watch to Keep Kids Safe from Overuse Read More »

Friend or Foe or Maybe Both: The Pervasive Nature of Technology

Friend or Foe or Maybe Both: The Pervasive Nature of Technology Let’s take a look at the Pervasive Nature of Technology On Mental Health And Poor Moral Judgement. Today, technology has become so interwoven into our lives that it’s hard to imagine doing daily activities and work tasks without some digital tool or solution involved.

Friend or Foe or Maybe Both: The Pervasive Nature of Technology Read More »

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