Screen Time Clinic

July 2023

Digital Wellness Coaching: Why Your Family Needs Help of a Screen Time Expert

As family dynamics have evolved over the years, technology has become a central focus for youth, and we are becoming more and more disconnected. Youth are taking advice of strangers online rather than leaning on family — even though technology should help bring us together it creates a wedge between parents and children. Without a solid screen time plan, time on technology steadily increases, causing neurological and relationship disruptions that can last a lifetime if not addressed during the formative developmental years.

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Don’t Procrastinate! Easy First Steps Towards Healthy Tech Habits

Don’t Procrastinate! Easy First Steps Towards Healthy Tech Habits Being a proactive parent becomes much more difficult the older your children become no matter how sweet and innocent they start out. Nobody enjoys being “the bad guy” and constantly enforcing the rules. The fact is, it’s much easier to let things be and procrastinate making

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Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens.

Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens. Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Help Drive Change Online by Talking with Teens. Pornography and racist rhetoric makes up the vast majority of inappropriate content viewed on teenagers phones through private social media chat groups, posts, and even apps like iFunny and SnapChat. Yet

Change Mindsets, Clean Up the Internet. Start Talking with Teens. Read More »

‘Screen Smart Sam’ Children’s Book to Help Prevent Problems

New Children’s Digital Wellness Book to Help Prevent Problems The story of Screen Smart Sam, now available today for pre-orders via Kickstarter, is an inspiring yet cautionary tale about the risks of unrestrained leisure screen time in childhood that has become America’s increasingly problematic pastime. Serious negative developmental effects from youth using screens at an

‘Screen Smart Sam’ Children’s Book to Help Prevent Problems Read More »

Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent

Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent Calling all parents and those who work with children and families! This special event featuring an international lineup of expert digital wellness educators is hosted by the team at Screen Time Clinic is just for YOU! Finally understand all the areas screen time affects childhood development and

Screen Time Clinic Hosts”Digital Wellness Summit” for Parent Read More »

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