Screen Time Clinic® trains and certifies qualified individuals to help others thrive in the digital age with a deep understanding of digital media's impact on childhood development and humanity. Our educators are vetted to be unbiased, never funded by big tech with a history of helping others in their community.
More than a mass group of online-training credentials, our Certified Digital Wellness Educators are trained especially to help families recognize symptoms of digital media overuse, explain the unbiased risks of online harms, and provide proven methods to harness the benefits of age-appropriate, safe technology use. All our members meet rigorous standards of ethics and have a proven history of community service. They also commit to ongoing trainings related to the latest research in screens and neuroscience to lead their community into the future as Screen Time Clinic® Certified Digital Wellness Educators. Our funding NEVER comes from Big-Tech allowing our members to flourish with the best curriculum, recommendations, and licensed programs to have the most impact in this important area of human health and wellness.
Featured STC Members Who Will Help You Reach Your Goals:

Candace Larson, BS Elementary Ed, STC Advisory Board

Carrie Perry. BSN, RN, CCM, CCWS, STC Advisory Board
STC Certified Educators Are

Team Leaders
Business professionals with a passion for digital intelligence & advocacy
K-12 Teachers Graduate Professors Speakers Influencers
Health Providers
Doctors Nurses Physical Therapists Holistic Health OT OTAs & More
Mental Health Practitioners
Psychologists Psychiatrists Social Workers Life Coaches
Community Leaders
Individuals committed to helping others learn about digital wellness
The Screen Time Clinic® Network

Screen Time Action Network

Network of Digital Wellness Providers

Digital-Detoxing Member
Screen Time Clinic is proud to be an active member of the Digital Detoxing group. Digital Detoxing wants to draw attention to online dangers and suggest preventive measures at an early stage and connect consumers with providers from various countries around the world.